Thursday, August 21, 2008

Gunturu Gongura Pacchadi / Gongura Chutney

Even though i used to eat Gongura pacchadi , I never knew its origin is from Guntur until my visit to guntur . I remember when we went there the first thing we saw in the morning when we got down the train was Gongura bundles :) , I never seen so many in my life .

I like pacchadi's / Chutney's , i just love Gongura pacchadi because when the sourness of sorrel leaves aka Gongura when mixed with the spices gives an aroma and taste that you will knock you out . Nice blend of spices really make this pachadi stand out among other chutneys ! Here it goes ...

Ingredients :

2 Bunches of Gongura/ Sorrel Leaves
1 Tsp Urad Dal
1 Tsp Channa Dal
1 Tsp Coriander Seeds or Powder
5-8 Red Chillies
1 Tsp Jeera
1/2 Fenugreek seeds
1 small onion
Salt to taste

For seasoning

Couple of Garlic Cloves
1/2 Mustard Seeds
Few Curry leaves
Little Oil

Initially Fry the Sorrel aka Gongura leaves very lightly in oil keep aside
Next except for gongura leaves bring the rest of the dry ingredients to a good powdery consistency, add gongura leaves and onion now and mix them using a blender .

In a pan/kadai pour oil, add mustard seeds when it starts sputters add garlic cloves and curry leaves. Now add the gongura and spices into the pan. Your Gongura pacchadi is ready ! Eat it with white rice.

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